UPDATE October 2024
Why a school at Engaruka?
In 2017, 6 weeks before a planned family holiday to Tanzania, the Morris’ youngest son, of 4 boys, Marcus died. The family went ahead with the trip to Tanzania and met with the Maasai people in remote Engaruka. The people expressed their desire for a school to serve their community in which few children attended school and those that did walk up to 15km a day to and from school. The Morris family pledged to provide a school in memory of Marcus
In 2019, the local Maasai gifted 25 acres of land to the Diocese of Mt Kilimanjaro and the land was fenced and a school Masterplan was developed. The School would be known as St Thomas Primary School. An agreement was reached with The Katoke Trust, a well established charitable organisation in Australia that has built and supports a Secondary School in Western Tanzania, to fundraise through it and form a Subcommittee to oversee activities.
After delays during the pandemic, the first building was completed in 2023 a guesthouse with 3 bunk rooms, a master bedroom and communal living area. The plan is to host visiting school groups to provide maintenance, assist in the classrooms and learn about Maasai culture. Following the guest house , three double classroom blocks were completed. Elephants and Giraffe are frequent visitors, and force their own entry and exit points……..
The first teachers accommodation block has been completed with a toilet block nearing completion. This fulfils the requirements for Government approval of the school to open.
Advertisements for teaching positions are currently open with a view of Kindergarten commencing in January 2025. These 60 children will progress through their 8 years of schooling with a new intake each year over the next 7 years, leading to full capacity of 480 pupils. The building program will continue to accommodate the growth. Solar is being installed in November this year along with water tanks to collect water during the forthcoming short rains
Looking Ahead…

Additional staff will be employed in 2025 which will include a cook so that the children can be fed breakfast to enable them to be well nourished for the school day. Security guards and a facility manager will also be engaged.
The next phase of building in 2025 will see the construction of two more teacher accommodation blocks and a further double classroom block.
Landscaping and planting of trees to provide protection from the dusty winds will also commence in 2025.
The community
The local Maasai Community are excited about the opening of St Thomas Primary School, which will be run by the Diocese of Mt Kilimanjaro. There are many preschool aged children in the immediate vicinity. We aim to enrol equal number of boys and girls.
Can you help?
Through the generous support of so many, there has been over half of the required funds raised for the school buildings. Further funds are required for the construction of the remaining 3 double classroom blocks, an administration building, assembly hall, canteen, dormitories, remaining teachers accommodation and the sports field. Successful raising of these funds will mean the entire campus could be completed by 2026. This project will transform the lives of Maasai children – the majority of whom currently receive no education at all because there is no school nearby. All donations are tax deductible and can be made by EFT to Katoke Trust – Engaruka
BSB 062 136
Acc No: 10471802
Enquiries: stthomasengaruka@gmail.com