Ks for Katoke

Link to ksforkatoke >>>> ksforkatoke.com.au

Link to donate >>>> Donate and then type the name of your friend to find their page. Alternatively you can find their team or scroll with the show more button.

It is never to late to register >>>> Register

If you would like to make a general donation you can use the >>>> General Donation. For larger donation it may be worth directly using the Katoke Bank account. The information is also on the general link but you have to scroll down a bit.

It is that time of year again for our supporters to get out and move (or encourage someone via you donation) to support the Katoke Trust.

The rules are simple

  • Go to ksforkatoke.com.au register or donate (or both).
  • Encourage sponsors to help encourage you
  • In June log you km (walk, run, ride, swim, hop, you do you)
  • Bragging right to the to the one who raises the most money and for the biggest effort.

Why are we raising funds. The answer is simple, the villagers of Katoke are in a poverty trap. So if you every though “I cannot make a difference”, then this will change your mind. The Katoke Trust with your help really does make a difference. Using the skills of volunteers and the money from generous donors, we have already changed the lives of so many and continuing to do so. The poverty cycle can be broken with health, education and love. The Katoke Trust appreciates every donation, large and small.

This year we are raising funds for the following projects:

Care Projects

  • Extension of Malaria Prevention in villages – $3,000
  • HIV/Aids Community Education – $3,000
  • Chicken Protein projects for women – $3,000

Educate Projects

  • Scholarships – $7,000
  • Staff Development at KLSS and surrounding schools – $8,000
  • Computer Development Program (part Government initiative) – $6,000
  • Senior Administrative Advisor (finance/admin) to new local Headmaster $25,000.

Grow Projects

  • Vanilla and other cropping – $5,000
  • Maintenance of food nutrition for students including further development of school cropping – $20,000

Sports Field Project (Completion)

  • Ride on Lawn Mower for the new Sports Field, $12,000
  • Erection of a retaining wall to prevent subsidence – $5,000
  • Water reticulation to maintain surface (piping, pumps etc) – $3,000

PLUS the Major Building Project

  • Construction of multi-purpose building for meals, assemblies, indoor activities and meeting with parents

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