Steps to registering for Ks for Katoke on mycause platform
- Registration
- As individual or as a group – If you are joining as a group, you can either “Create a team” or “Join an existing team” if the team has already been created by a team mate. If you are joining an existing team, use the drop down that will appear with teams already created.
- Select your activity as km’s or hours.
- Fundraising
- A page will automatically be created with default text, photo and fundraising goal. You can edit this information once you have completed your registration and activated your account.
- Payment
- It’s free to sign-up so click through these prompts.
- Share
- You might like to activate and customise your page before sharing with friends via email or social media. Refer below.
Activate and customise
After these steps, you will receive an email to your nominated account. From here you will be asked to “Activate account” by setting up a password.
Once you have activated your account
- You can further edit your page with a photo, personalised text or updated fundraising goal by clicking the green icon “edit your page”.
- You can also log your activity during the month.
- In addition to seeking donations via your mycause page, you can also accept offline or cash donations and direct amounts to the Katoke Bank account BSB: 062-177 Acc No: 10124371. Please email with these donation amounts and donor contact details so a tax receipt can be provided. These donations can be manually added to your fundraising page by clicking on “Edit your page” and by clicking “OFFLINE – add money received offline”.