We are Not-For-Profit
The Katoke Trust (ABN 51 742 721 573) is authorised by the NSW Government to raise funds for charitable purposes, and is endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) as a deductible gift recipient. The Trust is also registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission (ACNC).
We are Cost Efficient
Being a small, grass-roots organisation run entirely by volunteers, virtually 100% of the money raised through donations goes straight back into the community projects that Katoke Trust supports on the ground.
We are Delivery Efficient
The principal activities of the Trust are focused in North-Western Tanzania. Tanzania is a peaceful country largely free of political unrest and the high levels of corruption that plague other developing countries.
We Build Partnerships
Education underpins all projects as we offer a ‘hand-up’ rather than ‘hand-out’. We aim to educate Tanzanians into professions and trades and in specific areas such as management and leadership.
We Have Financial Expertise
There is an appropriate level of financial literacy at the executive committee level, supported by the Finance sub-committee. We draw on external financial expertise as required, and undergo annual, independent audits of our financial statements in both Australia and Tanzania.