Ks for Katoke

Link to ksforkatoke >>>> ksforkatoke.com.au Link to donate >>>> Donate and then type the name of your friend to find their page. Alternatively you can find their team or scroll … Continue reading Ks for Katoke

Annual Dinner 2023

The Katoke Trust Annual Dinner.

Click on the image for info and booking.
https://events.humanitix.com/the-annual-katoke-trust-dinner-2023   <<<< Direct link is here Katoke Trust invites you to gather together to support the community of Katoke. Join us as we invest in the future of the Katoke Trust, share a delicious meal, and celebrate all that has been done so far for Katoke - and plan for what is still to come. We need your help to raise much-needed funds for the year’s work ahead. The Katoke Trust is a voluntary, grassroots organisation with big goals. We want to invest in the present and future of the Katoke community in Tanzania. Together we can continue building a sustainable, multifaceted charge against poverty. With the help of Katoke’s generous supporter base and the Anglican Church in Tanzania, the trust helps to build a future for over 450 students every year. We would love to see you there! BOOKINGS CLOSE 27TH OCTOBER, 2023 For more info contact Holly using mail:EVENTS@KATOKE.COM.AU

President’s Report AGM 2023

The past twelve months have seen wonderful and gratifying achievements in fulfilment of the purposes of The Katoke Trust, especially at the Katoke-Lweru Secondary School. For this we thank God.