Our March 2016 newsletter includes news from Dr Colin Glendinning, head of the medical committee, on his recent visit to Katoke-Lweru Secondary School; a brief school update; and a snapshot of some great events for your diary. Also you’ll notice regular references to our website which includes many new features. We invite you to have a look and to give us feedback.
Dr Colin Glendinning Katoke visit
Dr Colin Glendinning and wife Jocelyn recently spent a “hectic but delightful week” mostly working in the school’s medical clinic. Colin observed that many of the Form 1 students arrive undernourished but after regular meals and medical and dental attention when required, they begin to thrive in both their body and their ability to learn. He commented “What a privilege it is to dip into the life of the school even for such a brief time. We continue to be amazed at Rowena and Peter’s skill, wisdom, energy and commitment to the children and staff at Katoke. As you know every day brings new challenges and difficulties”.
Read more about Colin and Jocelyn’s visit at our website.
Katoke-Lweru Secondary School update
Excellent results
Excellent results in national exams are continuing at Katoke-Lweru Secondary School. In the 2015 Form 4 (Year 10) national exam results recently released, our students were ranked in the top 7% (12/192) in the region and in the top 6% (202/3452) of the whole nation. In the Form 2 national exams, our student, Idda Raulian, came first passing with a perfect GPA of 5.0. This puts Idda among the top students of the nation.
exams passing with a perfect GPA of 5.0
We report these results with pride but also perspective. The Government has recently raised the “pass” mark making it more difficult for some of our students. We focus on a quality education for our students but recognise that results are just one indicator. Some of the competing schools take only the very brightest whereas we try to nurture all students into selecting suitable subjects and courses. What we achieve in Katoke with the limited resources is remarkable. Read more about the School’s results at our website.
The major event for Katoke Secondary School in 2016 is the graduation of our first cohort of students this April. Graduations in Tanzania are exciting and colourful occasions. Students wear bright coloured lays and sway and sing as they go on stage to receive their certificates. They know how to celebrate! Our graduating students are an excellent group with great potential for future leadership in Tanzania. I look forward to joining them on that special day and extending the congratulations from their Australian supporters.
Building Program
Excellent pro bono work by our wonderful architect, Geoff Deane, has produced a splendid update of the master plan. Work has commenced on construction of a temporary kitchen, additional classrooms and new staff accommodation. Further boys and girls’ dormitories are planned so that the school can meet the demand for enrolments.
Sponsorship update
In 2016, we are very pleased to have had 75 students join us in form 1, of which 25 students required sponsorship. Thanks to the generosity of the Katoke community, we’ve managed to find sponsors for many of these students, but we still have lots of students in forms 1 to 6 who are needing sponsorship. The profiles of some of these students urgently requiring sponsorship can be found on our website. Read more
Alan Watson
Katoke Trust for Overseas Aid